I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.
I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.
Friday Firsts
This week’s firsts:
- I have a family member with COVID-19. Not a great first. So far, she seems to be doing well; however, I worry (of course) because she is old enough to be high risk. And because I have heard that some people go downhill after a week–she has been sick exactly one week, so is entering that danger zone.
- All the talk of vaccines has started to give me a little hope. I ended a number of visits saying things like: Let’s meet again in 6 months. Maybe by then the pandemic will be much better, or even over. I don’t know that it will be over, but I am hopeful that it will be much better than now (which is seeing a huge surge in cases).
- I have been getting tons of spam comments, which make me so disappointed. (It’s so exciting to see there are comments, and so demoralizing to realize they are spam). This weekend I figured out how to block the multiple messages coming from the same site. A small win, but a win nevertheless.
Fitness Log
As a reminder, my current goal is to make sure that I get 210 minutes a week of moderate exercise during a regular week. If I am working in the hospital, I will relax my goal to 90 minutes for the week. At least 60 minutes of my exercise in a normal week should help with strength training; right now, I count yoga as part of this category.
How did I do?

- Saturday: This was my first day off in over 2 weeks. I was anxious to go for a walk, and wasn’t quite dressed for it. However, since I was dropped off near the bakery and had made arrangements to pick up something through the Buy Nothing group, I had a good (long) walk home. 51 minutes.
- Sunday: I was exhausted yesterday as the workload of the past 3 weeks caught up. I spent most of the day either lying down in bed, or lying down on the sofa. No exercise.
- Monday: At the end of the day, I took a walk by myself. 25 minutes. Mr. PiN met me near the house, and we walked to a clear area to stargaze. I estimate we walked another 4 to 5 minutes. We will call today’s total 29 minutes.
- Tuesday: I had been looking forward to resuming my Zoom yoga classes, but by noon it was apparent I wasn’t feeling up to it. There was lots of lying down and no exercise today.
- Wednesday: Today was a very lazy day. Despite having time to exercise, I chose to do nothing.
- Thursday: I was feeling better today, and was able to walk partway home after work. 18 minutes. Plus a stargazing stroll later in the evening.
- Friday: I was able to take a walk at lunch, 28 minutes.
Total: 126 minutes walking, no weight training or yoga this week. Feeling lousy (I don’t want to say I was sick, given the current pandemic, but I did not feel good), I didn’t meet my new goal or my old goal for a non-hospital week. Hopefully I will feel up to exercise next week, before I go back to the hospital for more work.