I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 5 years, and plan to continue doing so.
Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping track of “firsts,” and more lately, I have been trying to note good things (“fabulousness”). It’s a good way to pay attention and not let life slide by.
Friday Firsts
This week’s firsts:
- Not fabulous: Mr. PiN had a significant COVID exposure, and we have to mask at home and maintain some distance.
It was a tough week. I taught my last class in a course, for probably the last time (I am not sure if this is a fabulous thing, or a sad thing).

Fitness Log
The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.
How did I do?
- Saturday: I finally got around to trying an exercise sequence for my sore foot. 8 minutes (for just the bad foot).
- Sunday: What a crazy day, I did not do any exercise, not even for my foot.
- Monday: A work out with my trainer, 30 minutes.
- Tuesday: Another crazy day, no exercise.
- Wednesday: I girded myself to try my feet exercises today without the video explanations. 9 minutes and I think I need to review one of them. Also, I had a tennis lesson (60 minutes, including time spent gabbing about the Australian Open).
- Thursday: No exercise.
- Friday: After a long day of seeing patients, with a long evening of work expected, I was chivvied outside for a short walk by Mr. PiN. My foot was a little sore, but it was nice to get fresh air. 5 minutes.
Total: 5 minutes of walking, 30 of weight training, 60 (counted generously) of tennis, and 17 minutes of foot PT. Even counting the foot PT, I did not meet my weekly goal, though I will say my total was better than some weeks.
Monthly Round Up
- Exercise goals (150 minutes per week; but only 90 minutes when working on the hospital wards): Not met in any of the past 4 weeks.
- PT goals (do at least 3 days a week): I’m putting my foot exercises in here; I haven’t managed 3 times a week, but at least I’m managing some time.
- Clutter goals: I did clear out one drawer from my desk. Two more to go.
- Local Adventures. We went downtown for a concert. Very exciting!
- CME goals: either MSKAP (2 study sessions per month with my friend, or read through one topic on my own), or get through 4 lecture videos. I watched 10 videos, completed 1 MKSAP topic on my own. I did well here!
- Social activity (one in-person activity per month). Not much this month.
I hope you have had a good week as well. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.
Congratulations on getting closer to your exercise goals, and on the decluttering! One step at a time.