I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 5 years, and plan to continue doing so.
Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping track of “firsts,” and more lately, I have been trying to note good things (“fabulousness”). It’s a good way to pay attention and not let life slide by.
Friday Firsts and Fabulousness
I was totally not paying attention to any of this in the lead up to my board recertification exam. Also, I was cranky.

Fitness Log
The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.
How did I do?
- Saturday: Finished off last week’s work, and then rested. No exercise.
- Sunday: Took a walk around the neighborhood, but felt something pull in my good foot part way through. I finished my 20 minute walk, but wasn’t happy.
- Monday: No walking with my sore foot, and no training session (trainer on vacation). I studied instead.
- Tuesday: No walking.
- Wednesday: No walking, no tennis lesson. Instead, I crammed like crazy.
- Thursday: Boards. My heart was beating quite fast for a while due to adrenaline, but once I came home, I decided to take it easy. No exercise.
- Friday: No exercise today either, I had tons of work to catch up on.
Total: Just 20 minutes this week, which was sad. Next week should be better (it could hardly be worse), as my foot was feeling better in time for the weekend.
CME Goals
- MKSAP: I crammed my schedule with finishing off Hematology, and zooming through Pulmonary and Rheumatology.
- CME Videos: None this week, I may start up again this weekend. Or I might take a break.