My Favorite Posts By Other People, June 2024

I read many blog posts each day. They mostly focus on personal finance, but also on minimalism and travel . Here are some of my favorites that I read in the past month.

I actually caught this post in May, when it came out. However, I have been thinking about it frequently, as I have spent a lot of time covering my partners’ inboxes as well as my own. From Kevin MD, Armand Rodriguez notes We are all concierge doctors now.

It makes me think about retiring soon.

I am not truly ready to retire yet, for several reasons. Jesse Cramer at Best Interest suggests that maybe the money situation shouldn’t scare me as much as it does, in his post The Crushing Cost of Conservative Retirement Planning.

Burnout will push a person to dream about retiring from work and dumping the (work) to-do list. Budget Life List has some thoughts about Avoiding Burnout: The Value of Doing Some, Not All.

There is more to retirement planning than money. I’ve been working on this (a little) over the past few years. Julie Benz at Morningstar took a 6 week sabbatical and writes about it in Lessons From Another Faux-tirement.

Michelle at Boomer Eco Crusader isn’t taking any faux-tirement, she just got to experience the real deal, as detailed in her Sunday Spark-My First Day Of Retirement.

red fireworks at night

June brought a number of posts about dads, in time for Father’s Day, some of which I enjoyed.

Over at Humble Dollar, Jamie Seckington compares childhood memories of fishing with his dad with investment strategies in Don’t Be a Hero.

Not all dads are perfect. The Woke Salaryman produced quite a tribute to an aging father, looking back at some of his issues with new (adult) perspective, in My Dad, The Dictator.

If you are lucky, your dad gets old. Sometimes that’s not easy. Or, to quote my patients: Golden Years, my a**! Douglas Texter wrote about his dad’s struggles with aging and his Life After Cars, over at Humble Dollar.

Lastly, for something a little different, we have this financial silliness from Monevator: Blind Date for Investors.

Do you have any favorite posts from June? Can you believe it is already July?

2 thoughts on “My Favorite Posts By Other People, June 2024”

  1. Thanks for linking to my post. I enjoyed the post about faux-tirement. I do think it’s important to test drive your plans before retiring. That’s why I dropped to a four-day workweek two years ago. That extra day gave me a chance to dabble in different things and feel confident heading into real “retirement”.

    1. It’s good to read about what other people are doing with their work and retirement plans. I keep trying to cut back, and keep finding myself at full time anyway. Enjoy a little bit of rest and relaxation before you get on with the business of your retired life!

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