My Favorite Posts By Other People, July 2024

I read many blog posts each day. They mostly focus on personal finance, but also on minimalism and travel . Here are some of my favorites that I read in the past month.

The list is much shorter than usual, as a system update closed all the open tabs of posts I planned to include. I have just 3 posts, which were definitely the ones I found most memorable.

This post from Becoming Minimalist set up shop in my brain for most of the month, waiting for me to put it in my post (the irony!). The Zeigarnik Effect: The Hidden Reason Your Mind Feels Cluttered. It explains a lot about my mental life, I think.

Modern oil painting with a steamer ship, bridges, a dock, and other urban features.
I very much like this painting, but it is pretty cluttered.

I don’t quite have the courage (or the time) to follow this woman’s example, but I still find it inspiring. From Huffington Post: I Wasn’t Sure How To Celebrate Turning 70. Then I Sent An Email That Changed My Entire Year.

With age comes wisdom. I very much appreciated Life and Financial Lessons from a ‘Bad Ass’ Nurse (Marla McCune in a guest post at The White Coat Investor).

Do you have any favorite posts from July?