Here in the USA, it’s Thanksgiving. A national day for giving thanks, seeing family, celebrating with an autumnal feast.
It’s also not a regular work day, for most people. However, if you work in a hospital, you know that they don’t close down for a holiday, and sometimes you’re the one tapped to come in and keep things going.
Most years, I leave town to be with family; but this year, for a variety of reasons, I planned to stay. So it’s my turn to come in and work.
I’ve been thinking more about retirement, what with one thing and another, and thought it would be a very good thing if I concentrated today on what I am grateful for today instead of complaining that I would like to stay home and rest.
Without further ado, here are the 7 things I am grateful for today:
My work
I may be thinking about retirement, and I might prefer to sleeping in and putter around the house instead of suiting up and seeing patients.
However, I am very fortunate that I find my work meaningful. Even though some patients stay in the hospital past the time they really need to be there, it’s very clear that most of my patients need to be here, and that my efforts on their behalf are important.
In addition, I work with, and have worked with, wonderful medical students and residents, who have matured into excellent attending physicians. I absolutely cannot take full credit for this, but I hope that some of my teaching may have helped, if only a smidge, to make them the great doctors they are.
My job
It’s the end of the month, and bills are coming due. I took some time this morning to set up payments, and I am so thankful that after everything gets paid next week, I will still have money in my checking account.
I fully realize that not everyone can live comfortably on their paycheck, and I am very thankful for mine.
My health
To be honest, I have not been feeling super lately, and need to get some things addressed.
As I round today on my patients, though, I have to acknowledge that I am in much better shape than they are. I am starting to realize that some of my patients with “older person” issues are my age or younger.
I am very thankful that my health is good enough that I am the person caring for hospital patients, rather than lying in that hospital bed.
My co-workers
I have great residents working with me today.
As I walked around the hospital I have worked at, on and off, for 24 years, I am grateful for the smiles and hellos I see from people I have known for most of them.
It really is true that people can make or break your day. I am grateful that today they made my day great.

My family
I am not with any of them today, but between emails and phone calls, I have been in touch with cousins and siblings galore. Talking with them is great, and I also have been enjoying memories of those who are gone–especially the aunt and uncle who hosted Thanksgiving for many years in my teens and 20s. I am grateful to have known them and for the younger ones to think of calling me.
My husband
He is such good company, and supports me and the household in so many ways.
This morning, as usual, he got my breakfast ready and drove me to work. In the afternoon he brought me home.
He is planning a nice dinner tonight, with our favorite foods.
He is a gem.
My (our) home
I feel a little bad saying this–I only do so because I blog anonymously.
I am so thankful that we are staying home this Thanksgiving, instead of traveling to one family or the other.
I will miss seeing extended family, but driving just a few miles to work and back sure beats hours on the road or in the air on the busiest travel days of the year.
Plus, I will get dibs on all the leftovers!
Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for today, holiday or not?
What a wonderful list! Today I’m thankful that my errands are done and I can stay home this weekend when there’s snow on the way!
Thank you for stopping by, Michelle. Staying home when snow is expected is one of the things I am looking forward to once I retire (whenever that will be).