My Favorite Posts By Other People, October 2024

I read many blog posts each day. They mostly focus on personal finance, but also on minimalism and travel . Here are some of my favorites that I read in October.

I do like the writers and illustrators at The Woke Salaryman, and I really enjoyed 2 posts in particular in October. The first is a post about a real estate agent’s evolving personal finances. The other is a post about someone moving from a focused working to developing a more well-rounded life.

She is reading a real book, but is life passing her by?

I am not ready to give up our family car–in fact, I’m still thinking about that second car for our two person household–but I was still intrigued by this post at Financial Panther. His friend has given up his car altogether.

I’d like a car, but Mr. PiN would love a truck. Ben Carlson over at A Wealth of Common Sense has something to say about this choice in When Luxuries Become Necessities.

The Wealthy Accountant wrote 2 posts that really spoke to me this month:

Karen Trefzger writes about happily giving up things in building a minimalist life, while pushing my nostalgia buttons. From No Sidebar: How My “Little House” Fantasies Helped Me Downsize.

Another post from No Sidebar struck a chord with me. I’ve had a difficult few months, so this piece by Ivanna Baron was what I needed at the time: Six Ways to Cultivate Joy in a Challenging World.

Do you have any favorite posts from October?