Fitness Log #320, Friday Firsts And Fabulousness

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 6 years, and plan to continue doing so.

Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping track of “firsts,” and more lately, I have been trying to note good things (“fabulousness”). It’s a good way to pay attention and not let life slide by.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. One of our neighbors lost their child to cancer and had a memorial service. I had never been to a service quite like it.


On my work-from-home day, it was snowing. I got to stay home (and off the roads) while watching snow land on the trees in my cozy home office.

Mr. PiN cleared out a lot of clothes; they are in a huge bag, ready for donation. It’s great to have the extra room in the bedroom/closet.

A still life painting, with three pots of pansies on a tray, with a small pile of apples in the front right corner.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  No exercise today.
  • Sunday:  I was thinking about an exercise video, but didn’t. No exercise today.
  • Monday: I had to attend a funeral for a child in the neighborhood, and had to cancel my training session. Obviously, canceling my workout was not the worst part of the day.
  • Tuesday: No exercise today.
  • Wednesday: I got sedation today and felt awful. My exercise was going from the sofa to the bed.
  • Thursday: I had lots of work leftover, so did not exercise today either.
  • Friday: Nothing today either.

Total: No exercise at all. I suppose I should give myself some grace given the other issues of the week. But this is also why I started to keep track of my exercise (to make sure I get some!)

I hope you have had a good week. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.