My Favorite Posts By Other People, January 2025

I read many blog posts each day. They mostly focus on personal finance, but also on minimalism and travel . This January I was more taken with personal updates than general posts. Here are the posts I spent a lot of time thinking about, even after I finished reading.

Lazy Man of Lazy Man and Money had to cut his family vacation short when their dog sitter lost their dog. What a nightmare! He eventually did recover his family dog, after a lot of stress and money. At the very end, he mentions the Rover Guarantee and pet sitting insurance, which I had never given much thought to at all.

Japanese print of a cabin with women on the porch with snow covered scenery
Other people are enjoying winter and snow much more than me.

Mel at BrokeGirlRich laid out some impressive (extensive) financial plans for 2025–more impressive as she is finishing her PhD and doesn’t yet have a firm job offer. However, it is great to have ambitious goals (the old saying applies: shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you’ll land among the stars). Also, I am so thrilled to see her taking advantage of studying abroad by traveling while she can.

Frogdancer Jones at Burning Desire for Fire is dealing with an emergency involving aging parents. She makes it sound not-so-bad in her post How life can change, but I imagine it has not been very much fun at all. Except for maybe her dog, Scout, who now has a new devoted companion.

Blue Lobster at Millionaire on the Prairie wrote a beautifully clear post on why you should save, and what you should do with the money. I wish I had written something so good. Go read No Good Reason to Save & Invest? Do It Anyway!

Budget Life List has an excellent post on the importance of small changes in Tiny is Mighty. These lessons are applicable to money and lots of other things (health!).

I usually think and blog more about charitable giving in November and December. However, The Prudent Plastic Surgeon wrote about this in January. He asks How Much Should Doctors Give to Charity? I spent a lot of time thinking about my reply to him.

Do you have any favorite posts from January?

6 thoughts on “My Favorite Posts By Other People, January 2025”

    1. I’m glad that your mom is living somewhere with (I assume) good support–but also glad that Scout isn’t going to have to do without her new companion.

  1. I just want to thank you for your monthly favorite post series. It has introduced me to several blogs that I wouldn’t have otherwise found. I appreciate that your selections are not always from the same three or four sites. Keep up the good work!

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