My Favorite Posts By Other People, May 2024

I read many blog posts each day. They mostly focus on personal finance, but also on minimalism and travel . Here are some of my favorites that I read in the past month.

Some common sense financial advice, presented uncommonly well:

From The Investor at Monevator: Scrimping and saving to start your snowball rolling.

From The Wealthy Accountant: How to Stop Spending Too Much.

And from Blue Lobster at Millionaire on the Prairie: Debt is the Enemy of Financial Security.

A still life with several ledges of fruit, a champagne bottle and filled glasses, surrounded by grape vines, with a small bird's nest nestled in the front row amongst the fruit.
Don’t go into debt for fancy meals!

I enjoyed two posts that are more on the philosophical side this month: Our Good Fortune, from Richard Connor at Humble Dollar; and Seinfeld on When Money Became Everything, at A Wealth of Common Sense. Mostly, they remind us about some of the great things in life which aren’t necessarily cash.

I learn so much from other bloggers.

From Tawcan, an explanation of Norbert’s Gambit, something I haven’t really thought about as a citizen of the USA. (How to convert currency between US and Canadian dollars while bypassing a lot of exchange fees.)

From Christopher Avery, writing a guest post at The White Coat Investor, info about the Letter of Instruction. Aka: all the other stuff that people need to know once you’re gone, but which probably needs to be updated more often than you are willing to rewrite your will.

A tongue-in-cheek explanation of some common terms seen in finance writing. From A Wealth of Common Sense.

Mr. PiN and I (mostly Mr. PiN) are still dealing with older parents and taking care of things for them–well, at least one of them. It’s no surprise that I am paying more attention to posts with this focus.

The Woke Salaryman offers up a post on What they don’t tell you about being a caregiver. They offer a clear illustration (pun partially intended) of the challenges of caring for a disabled parent. Thank goodness Mr. PiN and I are further along in our careers (though we are possibly less energetic).

From Humble Dollar, Jeff Bond goes through his experiences settling his father’s estate. His father had survived his wife, and tried to set things up properly; however, Jeff found many challenges. He offers some actionable advice to make things easier for your executor after you are gone.

While I am looking for another car, I can engage in confirmation bias, assuring myself that I am not killing the environment by preferring an electric car.

From Motor Trend: You’re Being Lied to About Electric Cars.

And from NPR: EVs still beat gas cars.

Lastly, for something completely different, from Collector’s Weekly: Can’t Buy Me Love: How Romance Wrecked Traditional Marriage.

Do you have any favorite posts from May?

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