One More Year (Or Two), Here I Come

As I wrote two weeks ago, I had a meeting with my boss to discuss what my job might look like going forward. Actually, it was a pretty easy conversation, and all the changes I asked for were approved.

It’s very exciting, if a little scary, to contemplate cutting back significantly. I was able to put off thinking about it for a week, as my sister-in-law’s visit was quite a distraction. (Nothing bad, it’s just time consuming to have a house guest.)

Now I am starting to put the changes in action, talking to people at work about making those adjustments to my schedule and my paycheck.

What changes am I looking at?

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FIRE vs OMYS (one more year syndrome)

Just a short post today, as my thoughts have been darting all over the place in the past week.

I am meeting with my boss (one of my many bosses) this week, to discuss what my position might look like going forward.

Even though I think I know what I want, I’m torn between joining multiple friends in retirement, and continuing to practice medicine at my current institution.

A woman in a long white dress holds a large sketchbook in her lap as she sits in an empty studio. In the window behind her, a couple stands on the balcony of a distand building
This woman is literally at the drawing board.

Of course, what I want and what my boss can agree to may be very different things. Especially given the uncertainty these days with government funding.

I hope to have, as we say, some clarity about my future by the end of the week.

What’s new with you?

Future Me, January 2025

Not long after the start of this blog, I cut my hours very slightly, and wanted to make sure I didn’t waste the extra time I was paying dearly for. I had started reading about preparing for retirement in non-financial ways, and I realized that it was time to start (re-) building a life that didn’t revolve solely around medicine.

I started this series of posts at the end of October 2018 with lots of big goals, but even at the beginning, knew that I couldn’t follow all those dreams all at once.

Every few months, I try to look at what I have accomplished, and see if I can adjust course to focus my free time in the directions I wish I would go: increasing fitness, building (or maintaining) connections with friends, family and community, engaging with the arts, and, lately, keeping up with financial tasks.

My last update was in May 2024.

Life got pretty crazy since then, and I apparently failed to update my progress for over 7 months.

Not only is it time to review how well I have been pursuing those goals (probably not all that well…), but there is a little more urgency to reconsider what I want. I will be meeting with (one of) my bosses soon, to discuss how I envision my clinical goals going forward.

It’s hard to ask for what you want, when you haven’t really considered the question.

Continue reading “Future Me, January 2025”

If I’m FI, Now What?

As I figured out in my last post, I think the PiN household is financially independent (FI).

This leads to the next question: will I retire early(-ish), the RE in FIRE?

Although I wasn’t sure about financial independence until I calculated our numbers for 2024, I have had a strong suspicion since the spring of 2024, when my taxable investment account hit, and then blew by, a very interesting round number. For several months, I have been kicking around the idea of stopping work vs. cutting back vs. continuing as I am.

With the financial excuses for why I can’t retire yet out of the way (mostly), I now have to seriously consider whether what I get out of work is worth what I give up to practice medicine.

Continue reading “If I’m FI, Now What?”

Thoughts On Our 2024 Finances

As I have written many times before, I spend the time around New Year’s going through the spending for the past year. I also calculate my (our) net worth, which has been much more exciting in the past few years.

It’s mid-January, and I have, in fact, gone over the household spending and net worth.

Even though I waited until the very end of 2024 to review our 2023 spending, I thought I’d go through my thoughts on our 2024 spending and finances a little sooner.

How did we do?

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Finances Of The Very Elderly

I may have mentioned that my father in law passed away in 2024.

Between one thing and another, Mr. PiN and I are dealing with settling the estate. This is made more difficult by the fact that Mr. PiN’s dad was unable to keep up with paperwork and financial tasks for several years before his death.

I recently spent a day off going through the last seven years of statements online. The goal was to look for payments related to his tax returns, but I found plenty of other interesting details.

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Looking Back At 2024, Looking Forward To 2025

Happy New Year!

I don’t know about you, I am happy to bid goodbye to 2024, and say hello to 2025.

Before I consider resolutions (or plans) for 2025, I would like to review some of the highlights of 2024.

The year wasn’t all bad, and I find it is healthier for me to pay attention to things that have gone well, rather than always pointing out what needs to improve.

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My Thoughts On Our Spending In 2023

Every year around the New Year (Eve or Day), I calculate my (our) net worth and tot up my (our) spending. [I’ve been doing this for many years, since well before I met Mr. PiN, so I will revert to the singular going forward, mostly.]

I have written about this on the blog before, usually in January.

So why am I writing now, at the end of 2024, about our 2023 spending?

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A Return To The Donor Advised Fund

This weekend I logged into my donor advised fund (DAF), to make a one-time donation in memory of a college friend’s wife. The process was quick and easy, no running around the house to find the check book, an envelope, a stamp. Click, click, click–all done.

While I was logged in, I decided to look at the total that has been donated in 2024.

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