July 4, 2022

It’s been a hard few months, and I just couldn’t settle down to write much this week.

I’ll just wish a Happy Birthday to the US of A, and hope that you are having a safe and happy holiday.

red fireworks at night

Monday Melange: Ailing Parents, Automobile Absurdities & Links I Loved

Last week was super busy and challenging.

I had absolutely no time to write a longer and thoughtful blog post. Instead, I offer a melange of financial updates and observations, and some referrals.

Continue reading “Monday Melange: Ailing Parents, Automobile Absurdities & Links I Loved”

The 7 Best Wedding Gifts

Some recent…weather… and associated power outages not only delayed my weekly post, but also gave me the opportunity to reflect on some of the best wedding gifts Mr. PiN and I received many moons ago.

I think peak wedding season is coming to an end, but if you aren’t sure what to give as a present–or what to ask for–here are my favorites, seen through a retrospective lens. I have linked to my favorite items, or similar options, but these are not affiliate links. I get no monetary benefit if you decide you want to buy any of these.

Continue reading “The 7 Best Wedding Gifts”

5 Inspiring Blog Posts

Time is a little short these days, what with work and the holidays.  I decided to list several posts that I found inspiring in that they actually made me do something.

This post by Angela at Tread Lightly, Retire Early about the male-centric culture of personal finance blogs, and the list of female bloggers, was one of the posts that inspired me to start this blog.

Several more posts inspired me to get a website and start Physician in Numbers in earnest: this Fincon wrap up from Miss Bonnie MD, and this post about imposter syndrome from Chief Mom Officer.

Chief Mom Officer also inspired me in a different way about one year ago: her post about making a photo book for her grandmother.  I’ve given one to my father, who says he “isn’t in the accumulation stage anymore,”  but who seems happy to have photos taken of and by family.

More inspiring in the mind-changing way was this post (nearly 3 years old!) by Maggie at Northern Expenditure.  She wrote about the “fill-the-bucket list,” which I find a useful exercise in my own life.  It helps foster gratitude rather than envy or regret.