Yes, Doctor, You CAN Have It All, Just Not All At the Same Time

After worrying about whether I could max out my 403(b) earlier this year, I was very happy to see my updated paychecks. Between increasing medical insurance premiums, increasing my FSA contribution, increasing my charitable contributions, and fiddling with direct deposit to my “secret account” where I hide money from myself, I wasn’t sure if I could afford to increase my retirement contributions as a catch up.

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Future Me, the February Follow Up

At the end of October 2018, I wrote about 10 Steps to Future Me. I was a bit worried that I would be cutting back on work and frittering that extra time away. Those 10 steps were meant to move towards my idea of how I wanted to improve myself and/or find new activities to give my life some purpose and form once I am no longer working full time. I thought it might be time to review them, see what progress I had made, and think about how I might move forward on some of those 10 steps.

To be brief, there were 10 items to work on over time, but I really only planned to address 4 or 5 of them over the short term. What have I gotten done in the past 3 to 4 months?

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Beware the Anahafta

I recently had the pleasure of a “day off.” I use the quotation marks, because I was still covering issues at the office by phone.

After a relaxing breakfast, I was attacked by the dangerous, slithering Anahafta, which tried to choke some of the happiness out of my day.

I suspect that you, too, have had to deal with this untamable beast, though perhaps you know it by a different name.

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2018 in Review

This is the time of year when people make resolutions for the next year. Usually there is talk of losing weight, saving more, getting ahead.

Before I think about resolutions for 2019, I would like to look back at 2018, and think about accomplishments I can point to with pride. I tip my hat again to Maggie at Northern Expenditure, who wrote about The-Fill-the-Bucket-List. It really did make me think about goals and achievements in a very different way.

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Not Quite What I Was Hoping For

I may have mentioned that I am taking a pay cut to reduce my hours.  The plan is that with a slightly shorter day, I can finish earlier, and spend some time on my life outside the office, maybe working on future me.

Today was my first day with the shorter schedule.  I had lots of patients who need extra time, but were scheduled for 15 minute visits.  The electronic medical record wasn’t cooperating.  Despite the supposedly shorter schedule, I finished at same time I used to finish, and went home just as late (actually, later) as I did before the change.

I can tell myself thank goodness my schedule was truncated, otherwise I’d have been in the office even later; but right now, I’m just not feeling the love. We’ll see how things turn out going forward.

Ten Steps to Future Me

Last week I rambled a bit about finding something to retire to, rather than focusing on retiring from.  Also about (re)building a life that I can enjoy now, rather than waiting until .  I also mentioned that I am taking a small pay cut, to get a little more time back in my life.  The big question is: how will I use that time well?

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