It seems minimalism is all the rage these days on the Internet. Or Netflix, with Marie Kondo’s series. I see the appeal: it’s easier to find what you have, it’s easier to clean a house with less stuff, owning less saves you money and is good for the environment. I myself find that a cluttered–or just full–room makes me cranky and/or anxious. My friends keep posting links to this NY Times article, which makes me think I’m not the only one with this issue.
However, I also grew up in a house that contained many things–some useful, some clutter, some beautiful decorations and mementos. My parents have been able to provide a number of very helpful hand me downs to their children, such as lamps, tables, dishes, and towels only by saving their old items until we needed them.
Living as I do now–in an older home without a ton of storage–I find myself torn between two schools of thought. Keep things I might need, or clear out unused items. Shop my closet, or clear the clutter.
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