One Doctor’s Retirement, 20 years later

In my prior post, I wrote about my father’s career and retirement preparations.  He retired just over 20 years ago, and from what I can see, had a pretty good time.

Over the years we have talked about finances, and though I haven’t announced firm plans to retire early, I think he can tell I am thinking about it.  He has been giving more advice recently, mostly to keep working.

I thought I would share some of his recent advice, and some of my observations of his two-decades-long retirement, which I hope will go another decade more.

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One Doctor’s Retirement

My office mate is just starting out, and seems overwhelmed by finances.  When I mentioned my father was a retired physician, and had retired well, she was very interested in how he had managed that.

I asked him this weekend, and got a shorter-than-expected answer.  In many ways, the answer is very simple: save money and invest it.  I will embellish the answer and see if it might be illuminating.

Continue reading “One Doctor’s Retirement”

Fitness Log #7

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

Continue reading “Fitness Log #7”

All the Cool Girls are Doing It, or Why I’m Trying To Kill My Mortgage

Lately I’ve been seeing quotes about keeping track of the company you keep; usually the one that says you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with.  I had always thought of myself as an independent thinker and maybe, even, a mild rebel.  However, I realize that I am absolutely not as independent-minded as I think (wish?) I were.  And that is how I find myself paying off my mortgage.

Continue reading “All the Cool Girls are Doing It, or Why I’m Trying To Kill My Mortgage”

Fitness Log #6

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

Continue reading “Fitness Log #6”

Not Quite What I Was Hoping For

I may have mentioned that I am taking a pay cut to reduce my hours.  The plan is that with a slightly shorter day, I can finish earlier, and spend some time on my life outside the office, maybe working on future me.

Today was my first day with the shorter schedule.  I had lots of patients who need extra time, but were scheduled for 15 minute visits.  The electronic medical record wasn’t cooperating.  Despite the supposedly shorter schedule, I finished at same time I used to finish, and went home just as late (actually, later) as I did before the change.

I can tell myself thank goodness my schedule was truncated, otherwise I’d have been in the office even later; but right now, I’m just not feeling the love. We’ll see how things turn out going forward.

Hiding Money from Myself, or Giving Each Dollar a Job

Last year I finally got around to making an updated will, which means I had to open up my financial life to a stranger.  My lawyer offered a number of unsolicited opinions about our situation, but the one that I am still thinking about is his comment about the multiple accounts my husband and I maintain.  He seemed to think this was silly, and that we should be able to manage just fine with one or two accounts if only we were financially responsible.  I beg to differ.

Continue reading “Hiding Money from Myself, or Giving Each Dollar a Job”

Fitness Log #5

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

Continue reading “Fitness Log #5”