Fitness Log #249, And Friday Fabulousness

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

Some weeks I don’t feel so awesome about how things are going. I’ve found it helpful to acknowledge when things go well, or fabulously.


    Mr. PiN and I went out on the weekend to buy sneakers and then visited a bookstore for a while. It was a lovely time. The sort of afternoon that makes us say, we should do this more often, and then we don’t for another 2 years. Maybe we’ll go again sooner.

    A Renaissance couple visiting the goldsmith
    Our shopping trip didn’t look quite like this.

    Fitness Log

    The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

    How did I do?

    • Saturday:  After such an active week just past, especially with the strength training Friday afternoon, I was tired and not up to exercise today.
    • Sunday:  I did not feel free to exercise today either. My mood was not the better for it.
    • Monday: Back to my regular schedule, with a strength training session after work. 30 minutes.
    • Tuesday: A walk after work to my pick up point, 20 minutes.
    • Wednesday: A tennis lesson. 60 minutes.
    • Thursday: A walk after work to the pick up point, 20 minutes.
    • Friday: A walk after work, 35 minutes.

    Total: 75 minutes of walking, 30 minutes of strength training, and 60 minutes of tennis, for a total of 165 minutes. Victory!

    2 thoughts on “Fitness Log #249, And Friday Fabulousness”

      1. Thanks for the ‘well done.’ I always find that a conference gets me more steps than I think (especially if I have to go back and forth across a convention center a few times).

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