Fitness Log #259 And Friday Firsts and Fabulousness

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 5 years, and plan to continue doing so.

Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping track of “firsts,” and more lately, I have been trying to note good things (“fabulousness”). It’s a good way to pay attention and not let life slide by.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. I had to change my walking route home to avoid a protest. (I could have walked through them, but they were meeting right where I usually get picked up.)


This weekend I enjoyed the first really good autumnal rain. I enjoyed waking up (a little later than usual) to a grey, wet day; I enjoyed staying home with comfortable blankets and sweats, going nowhere, at peace in my house. Later, when it stopped raining, I got to breathe cleaner air as I walked home from the bakery, enjoying the flaming colors of the trees, the Halloween decorations on neighbors’ lawns, and half a chocolate chip cookie.

I also went to dinner at my friends’ place. It was so nice to see them in person. And Mr. PiN appreciated having someone else cook the meal.

A painting of a hunting dog
This guy is cute, but the puppy I saw on Sunday was cuter.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  I walked home from the bakery. I stopped to take photos, check out Little Free Libraries, and pet a friendly puppy, so I’m not sure how much time to subtract from my stopwatch reading. I will call it a 36 minute walk.
  • Sunday:  An afternoon walk in the neighborhood, 25 minutes.
  • Monday: A walk part way home, 20 minutes. Later, a work out with my trainer, 30 minutes.
  • Tuesday: No exercise today.
  • Wednesday: My tennis lesson was a tad short today (I was getting quite tired), 55 minutes.
  • Thursday: A walk part way home to a further pick up point, to avoid that protest. 25 minutes.
  • Friday: A long day in front of the computer. I planned to cap it off with a walk, but weather and sunset conspired against me. No exercise today.

Total: 106 minutes walking, 30 minutes of strength training, and 55 minutes of tennis, for a total of 191 minutes of exercise. I could have done more, but I hit my target (and then some), so no regrets.