Victory! Or, On Completing A Huge Challenge

After writing about clearing my bookshelf for nearly a year and a half, last week I emptied it! The thrill is starting to fade, as I deal with the downstream effects, but let me tell you, I mentioned it once an hour the day I accomplished it.

To some of you, this may not seem like a huge accomplishment. I myself thought I could get it done in just 4 months–how deluded I was! I had no idea it would take me another year beyond that to accomplish my goals.

In many ways, achieving this goal was like achieving any other intimidating goal, like paying off a mortgage or student loans. And in other ways, it is very different.

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Interview After Another Money Date

When my father became very ill last spring, I realized that my mom didn’t really know everything she needed to in order to manage the household finances. I couldn’t believe that she didn’t know how to get to all the accounts.

Then I realized that my husband was in the dark about much of our household finances. We had our first money date while on vacation, visiting family, this February.

Now that COVID-19 is going around, I feel a little more urgency to make sure he can really manage if I am unavailable for some reason. We took care of the bills together at the beginning of April and May.

I asked if he would be willing to be interviewed about the process again. We will see if third time is the charm, as far as feeling ready to tackle things on his own. This time I have added my commentary to his answers, the editor’s prerogative.

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4 Market Crashes, 5 Lessons On Risk Tolerance. And 1 On Life.

I have had the dubious pleasure of investing through a number of market crashes over the years. Each one has taught me something about my risk tolerance, and I hope that the lessons I have learned may be helpful to you. If only to show you what not to do.

I decided not to present each past market drop chronologically, but rather to discuss each drop in terms of my personal risk tolerance, from least to most. Please keep in mind that, of course, your risk tolerance will change depending on your age and life circumstances.

Continue reading “4 Market Crashes, 5 Lessons On Risk Tolerance. And 1 On Life.”

9 Things I Am Grateful For During The Pandemic

I was talking to a colleague at work today (how exciting to talk to someone new!) about some of the things we are grateful for in these challenging times. I thought I might share a few (with a slant towards personal finance).

  • I still have a job…
  • … which is still paying me my full paycheck.
  • I didn’t give away my scrubs from residency
  • …and they still fit.
  • We usually eat at home, and our evening entertainment is usually watching DVDs (I got a bunch from the library before it closed) or listening to music. So that hasn’t changed much.
  • If I get bored, I already have lots of books to read.
  • My gym automatically suspended billing while it is closed by order of the state.
  • My auto insurance is supposed to be giving blanket discounts, giving that many fewer miles are being driven during this time of social distancing.
  • And, most importantly, my loved ones and I are currently enjoying good health!

I hope you have plenty to be grateful for as well. Feel free to share, if you wish.

Last Week We Had The Talk

The other day my husband and I had a pretty serious discussion. It wasn’t about our relationship, or finances (directly), or any of the usual suspects.

In fact, we were talking about my upcoming hospital rotation. Mr. PiN asked me directly: did I want to back out of going to work? Did I want to quit my job?

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the question isn’t all that crazy.

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