2021 Is In The Rearview Mirror

Early January is when people about their resolutions for the next 11 to 12 months. Usually there is talk of losing weight, saving more money, getting ahead at work.

Before I consider resolutions (or plans) for 2022, I would like to review some of the highlights of 2021. I find it is healthier for me to pay attention to things that have gone well, rather than always pointing out what needs to improve.

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Monday Melange December 2021. Giving, Saving, Preparing, Traveling.

Every day I read a lot (a lot) of blog posts in the personal finance space. I have also been known to read in other subjects. Sometimes I even remember to save some of my favorites. Today I want to share a number of posts that tickled my fancy.

A woman holding a bouquet and reading a letter.
She looks like she is enjoying her day’s reading
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Money Melange, Funny Money Posts

Personal finance posts can sometimes be awfully earnest and dry. Sometimes, a spoonful of sugar (or a good laugh) makes the medicine go down.

Channeling another Julie Andrews character, here are a few of my favorite things posts from the last year or so. The ones that made me smile.

 Woman in Colonial dress surrounded by animals
This portrait of a Lady With Her Pets just makes me smile every time I see it.
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Monday Melange, Marital Missives

In May, I published a round up post of some of the links I have sent to Mr. PiN in the last year. I was pretty surprised at the number, and decided to split the list into 2 posts.

Many of the subjects are similar to what I write about on the blog, so I hope that you might find this collection interesting.

Because this just makes me smile.
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Monday Melange. Money Is For Spending, Too

Before I leave on a vacation, I always try to tidy up the house: clear the desk, put everything away, empty the fridge of food that won’t be good by the time we return. This makes coming back to regular life slightly less painful. This time, I also put together a round up post, to share some blog posts that spoke to me over the past few months.

I didn’t have much of a budget for this vacation–after over a year at home, I sort of didn’t care what it cost. Sometimes it is time to loosen the purse strings, and for the PiN household, this was that time; though I still like to get a good deal if that is possible. A number of the posts below reflect that mindset.

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Monday Melange, May 2021

Lately, the PiN household has joined the modern, electronically connected world. By that, I mean, I have started forwarding articles to Mr. PiN that I think he would enjoy. Or that I want him to do something about.

I thought I might share some of the articles that I thought interesting enough to forward. After going through all the links, I will concentrate on the personal finance and travel-related articles I sent in the past year.

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