Monday Melange, Money Matters Math

I have been saving a number of blog posts that caught my eye, and I think it might be time to share them. Saving blog posts without sharing seems to me like saving yummy leftovers in the fridge but never eating them–the saved item loses much of its value.

I read lots of articles about personal finance, and only save some of them; mostly it depends on how organized I am when I read them. Here are a few of my favorites, though there were so many I will probably have another round up soon.

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Happy Blogiversary To Me, 2020

Two years ago on October 1, 2018, I posted my first “real” blog post, about my Roth IRA from residency, and last year I celebrated my first blogiversary.

After another trip around the sun, dodging coronavirus and a big C diagnosis in the family, I thought I would take the time to reflect on my progress with the blog.

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Monday Melange, Inspired By BLM

I have been saving a number of blog posts that caught my eye, and I think it might be time to share them. Saving without sharing seems to me to be losing some of their virtue–sort of like saving yummy leftovers in the fridge but never eating them.

The links below were inspired by the events of this summer as regards systemic racism. Most are focused on highlighting financial blogs and podcasts by Black content creators. One meant to straight up educate others on what systemic racism is for those who don’t suffer under it. One offers some inspiration on how FI can help make the world a better place for all.

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Interview With PracticeBalance

Today my interview over at PracticeBalance is going up. Feel free to go check it out if you want to know more about me and how I try to maintain some balance in my life.

If you have arrived here after reading my interview with Dr. Dawn Baker, welcome to the blog. Most things related to life balance will probably be found in my Future Me posts or Fitness Logs, but maybe you will find something else that piques your interest. Feel free to poke around and drop a note if you want to say hi.

A serene moment, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Newburyport Meadows, Martin Johnson Heade.

2019 In Review

This is the time of year when people make resolutions for the next year. Usually there is talk of losing weight, saving more, getting ahead.

Before I consider resolutions (or plans) for 2020, I would like to look back at 2019, and think about accomplishments I can point to with pride. I find it is healthier for me to concentrate periodically on things that have gone well, rather than always pointing out what needs to improve.

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I had a lot of fun being interviewed by Miss Bonnie MD (now Wealthy Mom MD) for her Women in Medicine series. If any readers came to this site after reading her interview with me, Welcome!

Mondays, I write about finances. If I’m super excited about my Monday topic, I might post again on Wednesday that week.

Wednesdays are a bit of a potpourri: money topics, updates on cutting my hours, thinking about goals. Sometimes I just write on random topics, or link to blog posts that inspire me.

Fridays (I think of them as Fitness Fridays) I post about my exercise goals. I usually put in a picture too, to break up the monotony of the format. They mostly function as an inspiration to me to get moving, but possibly they will speak to others who struggle with getting enough exercise.

I’ve been trying to post three times a week, and after nearly a year have a fair number of posts to go through. I got pretty excited once I hit 100 posts, and went through most of them in a round up post.

I hope that you will feel comfortable poking around my site. Feel free to drop me a line, either in the comments section, or at physicianinnumbers at gmail dot com.