Fitness Log #89 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.

During this pandemic, though, things change so rapidly, I want to acknowledge some of the ways we are coping with it. I am keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday Firsts

This week had a number of firsts:

  1. I heard and saw the baby robins outside my window begging for food. They had 2 adults (presumably mom and dad) hopping.
  2. I went grocery shopping in the store for the first time since the pandemic started. It was very odd seeing the parking lot so empty and the aisles so uncrowded. Also, I need to put disinfecting wipes in my car.
  3. I had to do all the housework for the first time in years, as that is usually Mr. PiN’s job. The first day or so was fine, but it got old very quickly.
Robin, from the Birds of America series (N37) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1888,  Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
My baby robins were puffier and not quite as smooth looking. Also, they were not advertising cigarettes!

Fitness Log

As a reminder, my goal is to make sure that I at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. I am working towards incorporating strength training into my week, with a goal of 60 minutes.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  I took a walk before going into the hospital to visit Mr. PiN. 35 minutes.
  • Sunday:  I took the same walk before going into the hospital to visit. 35 minutes.
  • Monday:  I got in early today to talk to the attending when he rounded. He came after lunch, but gave good news: Mr. PiN could come home! I had walked to the cafeteria and back, a 9 minute walk, but otherwise got no exercise this day.
  • Tuesday:  I took a walk in the morning, in between checking on the recovering Mr. PiN. 37 minutes. We took a slow stroll later, which I am not counting (because (a) I didn’t time it and (b) we walked so slowly, it would seem like cheating even if I did count it). Zoom yoga was scheduled in the afternoon: it was so painful, but I did it. 80 minutes.
  • Wednesday: I was very stiff from last night’s yoga, but we were out of bananas. I walked to and from the supermarket to get some (plus a few other things). The walk was 67 minutes long, according to my Fitbit. It was interesting to see which local businesses were open. I was too sore to do much else today, though I was up and down the stairs plenty, doing house work.
  • Thursday: I rested this morning, nervous about aggravating all the sore spots from yesterday. I still “met” with my trainer via the Internet, for 3o minutes of strength training.
  • Friday: I weeded for a few hours, but otherwise no formal exercise.

Total: 183 minutes walking, 80 minutes yoga, and 30 minutes of weight training. Plus house chores. I would say this week was a win as far as exercise. Though apparently I am either super out-of-shape, or doing something very aggravating to my legs.