On Giving, Part 2

Giving Tuesday has come and gone, but that doesn’t have to mean the end of giving to charity. In fact, I hope it doesn’t. Many charities don’t push Giving Tuesday, or set up different fund raising drives. There are many opportunities and ways to give.

I have read a number of posts in the past several years about the benefits of the donor advised fund, and I think they sound pretty nifty. However, I have not yet set up one myself.

But I have set up charitable giving a different way. One that I don’t see written about much in personal finance blogs, but which I think may be a good option for employed physicians. Or anyone who works for a large organization.

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On Giving, Part 1

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I had a great time with family. I hope you did too.

These days, Thanksgiving is followed by Black Friday (I missed out on spending money this year, as I usually do), then Cyber Monday (I might buy things today). All of these special days are geared to part us from our money in the name of consumerism. Or, as the advertisers say, making the holidays special.

Happily, there is also a push towards charitable giving, with Giving Tuesday featured (December 3 this year).

Today I wanted to review some of the blog posts on giving that have affected me most in the past few years.

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Fitness Log #58

Just because I am a doctor, and encourage patients every day to exercise, doesn’t mean that I don’t have my own issues with getting sufficient exercise. Long hours, tiring days, family obligations, illness: they are all stumbling blocks, no matter what your occupation.

I have been recording my exercise weekly, mostly to keep myself accountable for reaching my goal (sometimes this works, sometimes I miss). If anyone reads this, I hope they will take this as encouragement to keep going, acknowledgement that it isn’t always easy.

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Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I plan to enjoy myself with my family, eating (too) well and likely failing to keep up with the younger generation.

I feel very fortunate to be able to spend time with my parents, siblings, niblings. We are all healthy, and out of the hospital. We have plenty to eat, can take time off for the holiday, and are able to travel to see each other. As I wrote about last year, I feel quite rich, even if numbers in the bank might tell me I am “comfortable.”

I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow, and feel that you have much to be thankful for as well.

Investing Step 1, Bonds

A few weeks ago I started thinking about how to discuss investing with residents, as I have been half-invited to talk with them about financial topics.

I had planned to talk about investing, but realized there were a number of steps a person should go through first before committing money : first, making sure the investor actually has some money they can invest, and then explaining why risking their money in investments beats hiding cash under their mattress.

I have been putting off the discussion of investing–mostly talking about stocks and bonds–because the more I think about them, the more complicated they feel.

Last week I tackled an introduction to stocks, and this week I am attempting to tackle bonds.

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Fitness Log #57

Just because I am a doctor, and encourage patients every day to exercise, doesn’t mean that I don’t have my own issues with getting sufficient exercise. Long hours, tiring days, family obligations, illness: they are all stumbling blocks, no matter what your occupation.

I have been recording my exercise weekly, mostly to keep myself accountable for reaching my goal (sometimes this works, sometimes I miss). If anyone reads this, I hope they will take this as encouragement to keep going, acknowledgement that it isn’t always easy.

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Investing Step 1, Stocks

A few weeks ago I started thinking about how to discuss investing with residents, as I have been half-invited to talk with them about financial topics.

I had planned to talk about investing, but realized there were a number of steps a person should go through first before committing money : first, making sure the investor actually has some money they can invest, and then explaining why risking their money in investments beats hiding cash under their mattress.

I have been putting off the discussion of investing–mostly talking about stocks and bonds–because the more I think about them, the more complicated they feel.

Continue reading “Investing Step 1, Stocks”

Fitness Log #56

Just because I am a doctor, and encourage patients every day to exercise, doesn’t mean that I don’t have my own issues with getting sufficient exercise. Long hours, tiring days, family obligations, illness: they are all stumbling blocks, no matter what your occupation.

I have been recording my exercise weekly, mostly to keep myself accountable for reaching my goal (sometimes this works, sometimes I miss). If anyone reads this, I hope they will take this as encouragement to keep going, acknowledgement that it isn’t always easy.

Continue reading “Fitness Log #56”

Win By Walking

This weekend I finished several weeks of durance vile hospital wards, supervising residents and students, teaching, and taking care of clinic work. This is a hard stretch of service, with long hours and little time off; many things (exercise, tidying, socializing, reading) get left by the wayside. However, it is this time that allows me lighter hours when I am only working in the office.

Though I still had work to do, I woke up my first free day feeling the need to Do.All.The.Things. Or at least work on my goals.

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Monday Melange

Mondays I usually write about money.

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about how to explain investing to residents, should the invitation to speak to a group about financial matters actually come through. I still have to figure out how I want to present stocks and bonds, but don’t quite have the energy to do that this week. Maybe next week.

Instead, I decided to feature some posts that caught my eye over the past few months. Considering that it is Armistice Day today, an international theme seems to be in order.

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