Fitness log #2

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

This week was a bit more challenging, as the weather wasn’t as nice and work got busier:

  • Saturday: stayed by the computer for hours as I was on-call.  I escaped for an early evening walk for 26 minutes.
  • Sunday: walked to a friend’s house, 36 minutes.
  • Monday: worked a longer day, weather was poor and I didn’t walk.  Zero minutes.
  • Tuesday: worked a longer day, and had the kid over for dinner and movies.  Zero minutes.
  • Wednesday: walked to work, but only part-way back, 71 minutes.
  • Thursday: very busy at work, my Fitbit tells me I walked 9 minutes at lunch time, though I’m not sure that really counts as exercise.
  • Friday: even busier, clearing the decks before a vacation!  No official exercise, though if you count running in circles and pulling my hair (I don’t) I’d have this challenge made in the shade.

Total: 142 minutes.  Fail! (I expect to do better next week).