Fitness Log #12

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

This week I was back working in the hospital, with lots of responsibilities: sick patients to care for, medical students to teach, residents to supervise.  Not to mention office patients to see. 

Justice, or a woman just looking for a balance between work duties and fitness?
  • Saturday:  A heavy day working in the hospital.  I walked over 2 miles by my Fitbit, but it was all small segments (back and forth between hospital rooms all day long), and not active enough to trigger as exercise.  Officially zero minutes walking.
  • Sunday:  A day off!  I was very lazy for the morning, but met a friend for a cultural activity and tea, then walked home.  54 glorious minutes of walking outdoors.
  • Monday:  I was inspired by my walk yesterday.  I also totted up my exercise for last week on Sunday and was not happy with the results.  But the only reason I was able to walk home was because my resident team capped early (thank goodness!  That means no new patients, for the non-physicians).  Walked home for 58 minutes (it’s uphill, and I’m tired).  I was inspired also to hit the yoga mat.  After several weeks, despite the walk, I was very stiff.  I had 10 minutes of very mild stretching/yoga.
  • Tuesday:  We capped early at work again!  I walked part way home, and got a lift to avoid the hilly part.  33 minutes walked.
  • Wednesday: Work was still light enough to permit a walk part-way home.  Walked 27 minutes to meet my ride.  I have now met my 150 minute challenge!  Being a competitive type, I now feel compelled to try for a higher number this week.  However, I sense longer days ahead at work.
  • Thursday:  My doctor Spidey-sense was correct, work got busy. There was no leaving early and no exercise today.
  • Friday: Work was even busier. No exercise at all

Total: 172 minutes walking and 10 minutes doing wimpy yoga.  I managed my 150 minutes very easily with some lighter work days. Clearly the busy days got in the way of my exercise.