Women in Medicine and Personal Finance

I recently found some papers related to my time with AMWA (the American Medical Women’s Association), and was reminded of an experience I had in medical school.

Both my undergraduate college and medical school were rather late to admit women. Women were still in the minority at both schools when I enrolled, which left me with an interest in Women in Medicine while a student.

I attended pretty much every meeting for female medical students while in school. In my senior year, I remember a comment an older (faculty) doctor made, something along the lines of “here you are again.” The implication (at least what I heard) was “it’s much better now, why do you keep coming to these talks?”

Whether that was her intent or not, I fell away from Women in Science/Women in Medicine talks. I was busy as an intern, and then a resident. I moved on to places where women were much better represented in administration (though never quite in the top position). Things were better than a generation prior, based on the stories I heard.

This weekend I had the pleasure of listening to the What’s Up Next podcast. Episode 17 was about doctors hustling to reach FI (financial independence). It was a fun conversation to listen to, and Dr. G’s discussion of FI as a way for doctors to gain control over when their work is increasingly controlled by someone else–well, it really resonated with me after 2 weeks dealing with hospital administrative staff.

At the end of the podcast, though, something didn’t seem quite right to me.

After some thought, I realized it was odd that every doctor talking on the show was male.

I’m sure there is nothing wrong with lots of male physicians pursuing financial independence, and all the guests were great to listen to. But in this day and age, surely there are some female physicians who can talk on a podcast about medicine and finance, pursuing FI and/or retirement from medicine.

I thought there was a list of women physicians blogging about money, but I can’t really find one. Maybe I should start a short one here:

I’m sure there are more. Please feel free to list more blogs in the comments section, and I can add them to the list.