Fitness Log #32

Each week I have been logging my exercise. Mostly this is an exercise for myself; it has, on occasion, prompted me to get up and move (“for the blog”).

It is also meant for encouragement, in case a busy reader wants to know how other people get their recommended exercise; I don’t think it’s easy to get enough exercise these days, and I think it does people a disservice to imply that it is. Our lives are busy, and yet, you have to take care of your health.

It’s not any easier if you are the doctor.

My first goal is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I was doing well enough that in February I added a second goal of 60 minutes of strength training a week, which remains a challenge.

  • Saturday:  I left my parents’ house to go home, now my Dad was doing better. I stretched my legs on the trip, and got in about 9 minutes of walking.
  • Sunday:  I was exhausted after spending a week at the hospital supporting my parents, and lolled about all morning. By the afternoon I felt up to moving, and took a lovely 41 minute walk with my husband.
  • Monday:  Back to work, and walked part-way home for 16 minutes.
  • Tuesday:  This was a particularly long day, and I got a ride home from the hospital. My husband encouraged me to take a short walk after dinner. 18 minutes.
  • Wednesday: This was a beautiful day, and I was antsy to get out most of the day. Once I was home and my notes were (mostly) done, my husband and I walked one of our usual routes in the neighborhood. We ran into people we knew, which was fun. Our walk lasted 45 minutes.
  • Thursday:  Walked in to work, 41 minutes.
  • Friday: Got a call that Dad wasn’t doing too well again. Left after work to return to my hometown. No exercise.
From a happier time visiting with family.

Total: 170 minutes walking, no time spent on strength training. Considering all I was doing, and how happy I was to take a walk, I will content myself with getting my walking in.