Wednesday Wool-gathering 2

Some scattered thoughts, gathered together to make one post.

Short-term miracles

I was talking to a woman this week, whose husband received an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) a few years ago. At the time, it was a life-saver; he was clearly going to die of heart failure soon without it.

I did not realize, however, that the device itself has a limited lifespan: about 10 years. As her husband gets closer to 10 years with this device–which can’t really be swapped out for a new one, like a pacemaker–the more she has to confront his mortality. It’s like her miracle has an expiration date.

summer flu is the pits

Sickness has hit the Physician in Numbers household. Although outwardly symptoms are improving–no sniffles, no sore throat, no cough–the effects linger. I feel tired going upstairs, and fall asleep early. I have been looking at my office and trying to resuscitate the excitement for decluttering I felt in April. I can’t believe the energy I had just a few months ago.

fifa women’s world cup

One advantage of staying on the sofa is that I had time to watch several games of the Women’s World Cup.

I am not a huge sports fan, but discovered soccer (football) with the FIFA championship games in 2014. I love watching the game when played well, though I’m still learning enough to watch intelligently.

I don’t know that I will ever be a true fan–I had to watch one game on my own, it wasn’t as much fun as watching with company–but it was a good time.

I will also be happy to have some of my time back; sitting for 2 hours seems like a long time these days.

What’s new with you?