
I had a lot of fun being interviewed by Miss Bonnie MD (now Wealthy Mom MD) for her Women in Medicine series. If any readers came to this site after reading her interview with me, Welcome!

Mondays, I write about finances. If I’m super excited about my Monday topic, I might post again on Wednesday that week.

Wednesdays are a bit of a potpourri: money topics, updates on cutting my hours, thinking about goals. Sometimes I just write on random topics, or link to blog posts that inspire me.

Fridays (I think of them as Fitness Fridays) I post about my exercise goals. I usually put in a picture too, to break up the monotony of the format. They mostly function as an inspiration to me to get moving, but possibly they will speak to others who struggle with getting enough exercise.

I’ve been trying to post three times a week, and after nearly a year have a fair number of posts to go through. I got pretty excited once I hit 100 posts, and went through most of them in a round up post.

I hope that you will feel comfortable poking around my site. Feel free to drop me a line, either in the comments section, or at physicianinnumbers at gmail dot com.

2 thoughts on “Welcome!”

    1. Thank you for the note and including me in your blog roll! I have been enjoying your blog (especially the Docs Who Cut Back series) for some time.

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