Slowing Down

Alas, I am not announcing that I am slowing down at work to focus on the blog. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

I am behind on grades (I might be procrastinating; I hate this part of teaching).

I’ve returned to hospital wards for a stint, which is time consuming. And there’s no procrastinating here.

A friend is coming into town to visit her daughter, and me too.

It’s time for me to sign up for health insurance for 2020. I suspect I’ll sign up for the same health plans, but it’s always important to check out the details.

All in all, this week and next look pretty busy. With deadlines.

I am not sure how much blogging I will be doing for the next 2-3 weeks. I will likely still have my exercise reports (though the amount of exercise I do may drop). I will probably post once or twice otherwise.

See you on the other side!