An End Of Year Financial To Do List

There are just over 2 weeks before the end of 2019, and I’m feeling the pressure to finish off time sensitive tasks. Last month I went through the list I was worried about. I think it’s time to review what’s been done and what is left to do.

  1. Sign up for benefits: insurance (done), FSA (done), Lifelock (still to do).
  2. Dig out my receipts for FSA eligible purchases for 2019, and send them to the plan administrator for reimbursement. I think I have a grace period past December 31, but I would like to get this done. As a reminder, an FSA is a use-it-or-lose-it account. I don’t want to lose that money.
  3. Send in estimated taxes (done).
  4. Donate to charity: stock donation (done), sending individual checks to those charities I’m not supporting with either stock donations or payroll deductions (still to do).
  5. I’m starting to think about a donor advised fund (DAF) again for this year. For the past several years, I have been considering setting one up, and keep deciding against it. But for tax deduction purposes, 2019 would be an excellent year to arrange one. This is definitely time sensitive.
  6. Set up a spousal IRA. This hasn’t been started, but we have until April 15, 2020, to make it happen. Hopefully we can do this before the end of 2019, but it will probably be last on the list.
  7. Work related tasks: required competencies (done), yearly review (done), CME (I’m pretty sure this is done, but I should add up my hours).

Of course, there are plenty of other tasks to work on: holiday cards and presents, tidying around the house, working on my list of 7 goals for the end of the year (I’ve definitely fallen behind there). Plus, you know, my job. I think I can get all the basic tasks done. We’ll see about the DAF and IRA.

How are you doing with your end of the year goals?