Springing Hope

Last week I complained about the grey days of winter.

This weekend I felt some hopeful stirrings, with hints of spring.

Here are 5 things that made me happy last week.

I got to tell someone they DIDN’T have cancer. Since they were sent for a work up of their “cancer,” this was great.

I walked (part-way) home several days. Though the temperature is still in the winter zone, the air feels more like a hopeful spring breeze, rather than a harsh winter wind.

I see daffodil leaves peeking out from the ground!

With the help of technology, I’ve played two chess games via computer (video link) with my nephew. He’s still very young, but it’s been great to see him get excited about playing and think through his moves.

I made hotel reservations for WCICON20. I don’t know how warm it will be, but all the hotels feature pictures of beautiful and uncrowded pools. I doubt it will really be warm enough to lounge in a swimsuit, but a light T-shirt and slacks seem pretty likely. Woot!

I hope you had a good week too. Feel free to share any good news.