Fitness Log #76 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.

During this pandemic, though, things change so rapidly, I want to acknowledge some of the ways we are coping with it. I am keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday Firsts

This week had a number of firsts:

  1. Attending a social meeting via Zoom Saturday morning. That was a blast; I am looking forward to doing that again tomorrow.
  2. Taking a yoga class via Zoom on Sunday. That was very interesting, my teacher was able to keep an eye on all of us. However, not having her in the same room to adjust poses was less than ideal.
  3. Set up and used Venmo for the first time. I don’t like the terms of use, but being able to pay people (like my yoga teacher) remotely is pretty useful.
  4. I used the Doximity dialer to call patients from my cell phone. For those who don’t use it, Doximity allows you to hide your personal number, and instead have another number–like your office number–show up in caller ID.
  5. I wrote a real, in case of emergency, letter for my husband. With lots of instructions of what to do if I am quarantined or sick in the hospital, or worse. I hope he can read my handwriting.
The man in the back looks like he is giving the card players some space, but they themselves are not socially distanced.

Fitness Log

As a reminder, my goal is to make sure that I at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. I am working towards incorporating strength training into my week, with a goal of 60 minutes.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  Home today. I did take a walk for a total of 65 minutes, and “ran into” a friend who works at a different hospital. We practiced our social distancing; one of us was usually in the street.
  • Sunday:  Went for a short walk of 20 minutes, before logging on for my yoga class (80 minutes).
  • Monday:  Felt exhausted after a relatively short day of work. No exercise.
  • Tuesday:  Spent all day in front of the computer, doing remote visits. Very little walking around the office, and I just didn’t have the heart to go out for a walk (too cold).
  • Wednesday: Went for a long walk in the afternoon, 65 minutes. I forgot to contact my trainer until the end of the day; I’m guessing that if she is particularly interested, she will follow up on last week’s texts. We will see.
  • Thursday: Got a ride home from work, and walked in the neighborhood after washing up. I found a cute chalk exercise challenge on someone’s driveway (lots of hopping recommended). 36 minutes.
  • Friday: Walked part-way home from work, 28 minutes.

Total: 214 minutes walking and 80 minutes yoga, which I will count as weight training. Not too shabby, here’s hoping the weather will cooperate for walking. And that we flatten the curve here and around the world.