Fitness Log #79 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.

During this pandemic, though, things change so rapidly, I want to acknowledge some of the ways we are coping with it. I am keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday Firsts

This week had a number of firsts:

  1. I figured out how to change my background on Zoom. I pulled up Seurat’s “Study for ‘A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.'”
  2. I finally saw where my step son lives. OK, I didn’t go into his apartment; but my husband and I drove to his building, brought him toilet paper and some food (left it in his car), and spoke to him from about 12 feet away.
  3. I had a serious talk with my husband about whether I would do my job or quit (!!!). The short answer is that I’m still going to work.
Picture this behind you at your next remote meeting….

Fitness Log

As a reminder, my goal is to make sure that I at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. I am working towards incorporating strength training into my week, with a goal of 60 minutes.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  Had my husband drop me off a mile from home, and then took a long walk from my new starting point. I strategically walked by a friend’s home in order to say hi (from at least 8 feet away), but she was out on her own walk. 61 minutes.
  • Sunday:  A short walk in the afternoon, 28 minutes.
  • Monday:  Went in to work, the weather was terrible. So was my mood. No walking today.
  • Tuesday:  The morning was more inspiring, and I went for a 20 minute walk before logging into work. After work, “attended” my yoga class (80 minutes).
  • Wednesday. Went for a long walk and listened to part of a podcast. 51 minutes.
  • Thursday: Went into work, and just didn’t have the energy to walk afterwards. Plus the weather was lousy. On the plus side, my trainer contacted me about doing remote workouts.
  • Friday: Worked from home today. I was able to squeeze in a walk before I started seeing patients, enjoyed 31 minutes of fresh air, movement, and podcast accompaniment.

Total: 191 minutes walking and 80 minutes yoga, which I will count as weight training. Not bad for a week with lousy weather and some uncertain moods (or should it be uncertain weather and lousy moods?). We will see if I can keep this up next week.