Fitness Log #91 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.

During this pandemic, though, things change so rapidly, I want to acknowledge some of the ways we are coping with it. I am keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday Firsts

This week had a number of firsts:

  1. I dropped off something that was requested on our local Buy Nothing group (not a first, though a second). The first is that this is the first time I have been on that particular road, though it is less than 0.5 miles from my home, and I pass it often when out doing errands.
  2. This might have been from last week, but I realize that I bought a game app for the first time. It was a sequel to a gifted game app (Monument Valley). Either it isn’t as good, or I’m not as willing to sit and play games as I was when keeping Mr. PiN company in the hospital.
  3. I was going out to an appointment this week, and started to worry if my mask clashed with my dress. New fashion woes!

Fitness Log

Summer in a different town

As a reminder, my goal is to make sure that I at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. I am working towards incorporating strength training into my week, with a goal of 60 minutes.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  An early morning walk, 23 minutes.
  • Sunday:  No outside activities today, there is an air quality alert. Not too much indoor exercise either, today, unless one counts house work.
  • Monday:  A morning walk, 36 minutes.
  • Tuesday:  Zoom yoga, 80 minutes.
  • Wednesday: A morning walk, 35 minutes, followed by some weeding and mulching.
  • Thursday: We had air quality issues today. I did have a morning FaceTime session with my trainer (indoors), for 30 minutes.
  • Friday: Off for Mr. PiN’s post-op follow up today. I didn’t get much exercise after that.

Total: 94 minutes walking, 80 minutes yoga, and 30 minutes weight training. I did get my 150 minutes for the week, if I count my yoga and strength training times. It feels a little like double-dipping, but I will call it a win.