Fitness Log #233 And Friday Fabulousness

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some weeks I can’t really think of a “first,” so I am trying to note something positive instead.

Friday Fabulousness

It’s not a first, it happens every year–but Spring has Sprung in my neighborhood. Flowers are blooming, the days finally feel longer. I feel happier, but also definitely allergic. I am hopeful that the dark, dull, and, frankly, not-so-great days of winter 2022-2023 are over.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

A young woman in a large brimmed hat leans on a table wtih a flowered shawl and holds a chain of braided flowers
Spring is here! But will she stay a while?
  • Saturday:  It was a beautiful day outside, but I stayed home to recuperate from whatever I have.
  • Sunday:  Same today.
  • Monday: I did not walk home from work, but did attend my training session. 30 minutes (maybe with longer rests between sets).
  • Tuesday: Today I felt up to walking to the pickup point, which was an awesome idea as there were huge traffic jams close to work. 20 minutes walking.
  • Wednesday: A quick walk from an appointment to a pick up point (15 minutes), then off to my tennis lesson (60 minutes). I think I am starting to feel much better.
  • Thursday: A walk to the pick up point was a welcome distraction after a day full of office work baloney. 20 minutes.
  • Friday: A nice long walk after work; because I didn’t check my records, I made it a little longer so I could hit my weekly target. 29 minutes.

Total: 84 minutes walking, 30 minutes of strength training, and 60 minutes of tennis; a total of 174 minutes of exericse. No PT, though.