Fitness Log #246, Friday Firsts And Fabulousness, And Monthly Goals

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. My Dad’s first birthday since he passed away came and went this week. Surprisingly (not), it wasn’t the most awesome day for me, or the rest of my family.

Some Fabulousness

  1. My Sunday friends were all in-town, and one had a birthday. So we met in-person, for a lovely afternoon. I was thrilled to have them over, not only for the company, but for the push to tidy up, and to pull out the wedding gifts to set a pretty table.
  2. After a month of trepidation, I submitted a request to have some extra training covered. It was approved in about 15 minutes. Now I get to spend a ton of money (buying CME, but still) that someone else is fronting.
  3. I finished (reading) a new book, which was so much fun. I also enjoyed the Apple ecosphere, opening the book at various times on my phone, my iPad, and my laptop.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  I stayed home and did no exercise.
  • Sunday:  No formal exercise today either.
  • Monday: I got a ride home (no walking to a pick up point), but did my workout with my trainer. No accidents this week. 30 minutes.
  • Tuesday: A 20 minute walk to my pick up point.
  • Wednesday: I had my first tennis lesson in over a month. It was very hot, and I am out of shape. I will say that I played for 45 minutes (with the rest of the time resting, drinking fluids).
  • Thursday: A 20 minute walk to my pick up point.
  • Friday: I took a walk after work, to start the weekend. I pushed it to 35 minutes, trying to meet my weekly goal.

Total: 75 minutes walking, 30 minutes strength training, 45 minutes tennis, to hit 150 minutes. On the nose.

Monthly Round Up

  • Exercise goals (150 minutes per week; but only 90 minutes when working on the hospital wards): Win on the hospital week. Miss on the first out of hospital week. And the second. A squeaking win for the last week of the 4. (Total: 2 out of 4 weeks successful.)
  • PT goals (do at least 3 days a week): Nothing, nada I keep this on here as a reminder and aspirational goal.
  • Clutter goals (declutter my office bookshelves, make room for a piano in the living room): I actually put some of my bookshelf clutter back on the shelves–I missed some of my pretty items to look at when my mind wanders during video meetings. I think I need to remove a few things, but I am proud at trying to find the right balance.
  • Local Adventures: Nothing to look at here (unless you count taking the bus). I have my eye on a few things to do in the coming weeks, though.
  • MSKAP (2 study sessions per month with my friend, or read through one topic on my own): B. came over and we had a long afternoon study session. I also finished off a question series on my own, but didn’t start reading a topic (it’s a different experience).
  • Social activity (one in-person activity per month). Invited my Sunday group over for an in-person party. I was very excited to have guests.

I hope you have had a good week as well. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.