Fitness Log #248 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. I walked to and from the neighborhood bakery, for the first time in…a while.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

A woman in a long white dress (possibly Edwardian) plays lawn tennis.
I was Tennis Girl this week, playing with Mr. PiN on the weekend.
  • Saturday:  Mr. PiN and I played tennis for a bit at the public courts, probably 40 minutes.
  • Sunday:  I went for a morning walk, and ended up going all the way to the bakery. Of course I had to buy a treat, and then walked back. 63 minutes by my timer.
  • Monday: Strength training was canceled for today (my trainer had another obligation). I did get a walk to my pick up point after work, for a 20 minute walk.
  • Tuesday: I was picked up at work, and dropped off in the neighborhood for a walk with nicer surroundings (it just worked out better this way). I traipsed up and down tree lined streets for 24 minutes.
  • Wednesday: An excellent tennis lesson, probably improved by practicing on the weekend. 60 minutes.
  • Thursday: A walk to my pick up point, 20 minutes.
  • Friday: My trainer and I met (by video) after work, for a 30 minute workout. I went for a walk afterwards, I was a little tired out (20 minutes).

Total: 147 minutes walking, 30 minutes strength training, and 100 minutes tennis, for a total of 277 minutes. No wonder I felt so good this week!

3 thoughts on “Fitness Log #248 And Friday Firsts”

  1. What a great week on the fitness front! Congratulations. I have really fallen out of my fitness routine over the summer. In July I did a lot of walking and hiking but August has been a bust so far. I’m off to Seattle on a work trip this morning so I suppose it will have to wait until I get back. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Michelle! I was pretty happy to have done so well this week. I was pretty tired by Friday night, but my mood was much better.

      I don’t know what you are scheduled to do in Seattle, but I remember doing a lot of walking there when I visited years ago. Though one of my favorite things to do was to take the ferry (from downtown, I went to Bainbridge Island).

      1. I arrived in Seattle this afternoon and managed to get over 15,000 steps in despite spending 5 hours on a plane. We did get out on the water for a harbour cruise this afternoon. The rest of my stay is mostly meetings and conference sessions, though.

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