Thoughts for July 1

As spring turns into summer, I prepare mentally for our brand new interns. I (and I’m sure I am not alone) remind myself to transition from a hand’s-off, strictly-advisory role in May or June, to an in-the-trenches, double-check the orders role come July 1.

I still remember my father, a retired surgeon, telling me after my graduation from medical school “Congratulations, you now have a license to kill.”

What he was referring to, of course, was not a new career as a sexy British spy, but to the fact that I was entering a time where (especially in those days) my orders did not need to be reviewed by anyone before they were executed. And that a doctor can, through ignorance or poor judgement, make decisions with grave consequences.

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Can I Still Afford to Max Out My Retirement Savings?

I recently received an e-mail from work, reminding me that for 2019, the maximum pre-tax contribution to the 403(b) has gone up. For those under 50, it has increased from $18,500 to $19,000; for those 50 or older (including those who turn 50 in 2019), the maximum has gone from $24,500 to $25,000.

I was reminded–yet again–that turning 50 is a special time. As a PCP, I usually have other issues on the brain when thinking about this landmark year.

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Get Credit For the Work You Do

Any resident who joins me in clinic will hear me talk about billing.  It isn’t the most important thing I can teach them–seeing a variety of medical issues, learning nuances of outpatient medicine, practicing efficiency: these are what they want to learn, and what they should learn. However, I had little education on billing as a resident, which really came back to bite me in my first job, and I would like to help them avoid this in their own practice. 

If you know how you get paid (which you should!), you need to make sure you get paid appropriately.  I think it’s also important for employees to get credit if they are working hard.   My first job became quite unpleasant after a few years, mostly due to my ignorance of proper medical billing practice.

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