Monday Melange #2

Between work and a summer cold, I just am not up to writing a full blog post for Monday. I thought this would be a good time to link to a few posts by other people I found interesting.

It’s the beginning of a new academic year, which means new interns will be starting soon, if they haven’t already. Hopefully they will be concentrating on the job, but they will also have to figure out how to allocate their new income. This post by The Finance Twins was a great illustration of why You Need an Emergency Fund.

New attendings also need an emergency fund. It is probably easier for them to build one up if they have more income coming in. Here is a great post on coding acute visits from A Doctor’s Worth.

Life in medicine is assumed to require sacrifice–long hours studying, working, caring for your patients. However, there is plenty of other work that you may find less necessary. Here are Crispy Doc’s thoughts on financial independence as a way to stop selling out those you love. An alternative is to start your career thoughtfully, avoiding useless tasks; something to think about for those just starting a new job after residency or fellowship.

If you haven’t yet nailed down a job, here is some food for thought. From Smart Money MD, doctors need to understand their worth, talking about the money hospitalists generate for their hospitals. And from Medscape, and article with infographic addressing the arguments that try to explain away the income gap between men and women in medicine.

I hope you find some of these interesting food for thought.