Fitness Log #8

One of the favorite things I have heard from a patient is: you’re a doctor, you don’t have to worry about blood pressure. Implying, of course, that doctor’s don’t struggle with their health.

I most certainly do struggle with fitness and health, like many other Americans with sedentary jobs and a proclivity to eat treats. One of my goals is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I will see for how long I am willing to document my progress Saturday to Friday.

My Black Friday excursion.

This week I faced office work and holiday travel, neither of which was particularly conducive to exercise.  Plus, that whole thing about spending time with family–it seems a little anti-social to run away and work out, though that eventually happened.  I did fit in a “walk” with the kids: we went about 1/8 of a mile in 30  minutes as we checked out leaves, branches, and chunks of old snow on the side of the road.  Great for bonding, poor for physical fitness.

  • Saturday: A good day for exercise.  My husband and I walked to a museum, saw an exhibit, ate out (this is sounding like a date!) and walked home.  52 minutes walking.
  • Sunday: Slept in, did lots of shopping on the Internet: holiday cards, car rentals for an upcoming trip, etc.  Exercise just wasn’t happening.
  • Monday: A short clinic day, with a meeting in the late afternoon.  I took a walk, which apparently lasted 22 minutes, before the meeting.  It was nice to get away from my desk.
  • Tuesday:  This was a long day at work, with lots of scheduling baloney (or maybe malarkey).  There was no exercising today.
  • Wednesday: We hit the road, along with most of the USA, for our trip to the homestead (or Grandma’s house).  We traveled far, but didn’t exercise much.
  • Thursday: Lots of family time at Thanksgiving.  My Fitbit claims I had 8 minutes of walking with my niece and nephew.
  • Friday: Too much time cooped up in the house = escape when the weather warms up.  My husband and I walked to the town center and back, for a total of 112 minutes.  It was so nice to get moving, visit my hometown, and see a full moon rising over the trees.

Total: 184 minutes walking (plus 8 minutes of meandering with the small fry).  Despite some long days of travel, and social duties with family, I still got my 150 minutes this week.  A win!