Book Decluttering Challenge

I had set myself a deadline of removing 180 books from my collection by the end of May. If I manage it, I should be able to get rid of a bookshelf that I no longer want, and make more room in the house.

At the end of March, 138 books had left my house, not counting the books I inspired my husband to give away.

So the big question is: How much progress have I made in the past 2 months in culling those last 42 books?

The sad answer: I have made a very little progress. I put 2 books in some of the local Little Free Libraries I pass on my walks.

I have 25 books put aside to be donated to the public library, but I don’t officially count those until they have left the house. I am hoping to give those away on my next day off.

That means I will have to find 15 books I am willing to part with in the next week, and actually get them out of the house.

I can already see I have made plenty of progress in clearing my bookshelf, but I would like to finish this challenge on time. I hope to report success in the next update!