Fitness Log #33

Each week I have been logging my exercise. Mostly this is an exercise for myself; it has, on occasion, prompted me to get up and move (“for the blog”).

It is also meant for encouragement, in case a busy reader wants to know how other people get their recommended exercise; I don’t think it’s easy to get enough exercise these days, and I think it does people a disservice to imply that it is. Our lives are busy, and yet, you have to take care of your health.

It’s not any easier if you are the doctor. Especially when dealing with emergencies.

My first goal is to make sure that I get my 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise, which probably won’t happen). I was doing well enough that in February I added a second goal of 60 minutes of strength training a week, which remains a challenge.

  • Saturday:  This was a travel day, ending at the hospital. No exercise per my Fitbit.
  • Sunday:  This was a long grueling day sitting in the ICU. My emotions got quite the workout, and possibly my palpitations got my heart rate up. But I didn’t get any exercise for real.
  • Monday:  Dad was a whole lot better today. I sat with him in the morning, and left for a few hours in the afternoon. I went for a walk with my husband on a path through some woods. 59 minutes walking.
  • Tuesday:  Another hospital day. Clearly I have figured my way around, as I have no exercise minutes noted.
  • Wednesday: Visited Dad, who is doing much better (out of the ICU). Left for home, spent most of the day in travel. No exercise.
  • Thursday:  I am exhausted. Luckily work wasn’t too hard–lots of patients canceled or missed their appointments. No exercise today.
  • Friday: Walked in the evening before dinner, 23 minutes.
A winter view of the walk I took this week. I was too distracted to get a Spring picture of the path.

Total: 82 minutes walking, no time spent on strength training. This week was not a win for exercise. Frankly, it was all about family duty. If Dad stays well, we’ll see if I get back in the swing of things next week.