Fitness Log #118 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over a year, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. I had a summons for jury duty, with no obvious “out” on the form for me. Working for a large institution, they made a call and had me excused as a front-line worker lickety split. I don’t know how I feel about that, though I am glad not to have to find coverage for my day of jury duty selection.
  2. I got an excited call from my dad: he and my mom have received their first COVID vaccine! I then had to explain to him that getting the vaccine one day doesn’t give him license to go shopping with abandon the next day, it will be another month until he has all of his protection.
  3. I myself received the second vaccine, which ought to be a “second,” not a “first,” except I feel this is the beginning of the end of my vulnerability to COVID. Hopefully, in 7 to 10 days, I will have 95% protection from it.
For your delectation, and mine, a beautiful winter landscape.

Fitness Log

As a reminder, my current goal is to make sure that I get 210 minutes a week of moderate exercise during a regular week. If I am working in the hospital, I will relax my goal to 90 minutes for the week. At least 60 minutes of my exercise in a normal week should help with strength training; right now, I count yoga as part of this category.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  I was pretty tired today, and avoiding catching up on my work. Instead, I bundled up and took a lovely walk outdoors for 38 minutes.
  • Sunday:  It was a beautiful, if chilly day, and got a ride to the bakery; walked home. Feeling out of shape enough to wonder about the wisdom of buying baked goods. 36 minutes.
  • Monday:  I took a shorter walk after work today, 22 minutes. This went much better.
  • Tuesday:  Zoom yoga class after work today, 80 minutes.
  • Wednesday: Out for a walk before a meeting. I had hoped to make it a longer one and meet my goal for the week, but attending the meeting meant it had to be shorter. 19 minutes. I only need 15 more minutes this week to meet my goal, but I am getting my second COVID vaccine tomorrow, and am not sure what I will feel like afterwards.
  • Thursday: I was quite distractible today, thinking about getting my vaccine at the end of the day and wondering about side effects. Some of my younger colleagues and health-profession patients were reporting rigors and sweats about 12 hours afterwards. No exercise this evening.
  • Friday: I woke up with a sore arm, but no rigors. I was up to a lunch time walk, which I stretched to 35 minutes.

Total: 150 minutes minutes walking, no weight training and 80 minutes yoga this week, for a total of 230 minutes. I am pretty happy with these results.