Fitness Log #149 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over 2 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. A year and 5 months into the pandemic, I got my first COVID swab (ugh!).
  2. I bought stocks online through an online broker. Though I automatically buy stocks every month through my retirement account, this was the first time I actually hit a button to execute a trade. It was a little intimidating, and also very easy.
They call it the dog days of summer, but maybe it should be the lion days.

Fitness Log

As a reminder, my current goal is to make sure that I get 210 minutes a week of moderate exercise, of which 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  After last week’s performance, I was determined to work harder at getting my exercise. The weather finally improved, and I took a 40 minute walk in the late afternoon.
  • Sunday:  I knocked myself out playing tennis at noon. 28 minutes.
  • Monday: After work session with my trainer, 30 minutes.
  • Tuesday: Home sick. It wasn’t COVID, but I decided to rest.
  • Wednesday: I was feeling better, so I did go for a walk in the evening, 35 minutes.
  • Thursday: A long day, no exercise.
  • Friday: Walked part-way home from work to the usual pick up spot. 24 minutes. I thought about exercising more, and realized I (a) wasn’t all better and (b) wasn’t going to hit my goal anyway. I guess that is the bad part of setting goals.

Total: 99 minutes walking, 28 minutes of tennis, no yoga, and 30 minutes of strength training, for a total of 157 minutes. Though I did not make my current goal, I note that last year at this time, this would have surpassed my goal.