2021 Is In The Rearview Mirror

Early January is when people about their resolutions for the next 11 to 12 months. Usually there is talk of losing weight, saving more money, getting ahead at work.

Before I consider resolutions (or plans) for 2022, I would like to review some of the highlights of 2021. I find it is healthier for me to pay attention to things that have gone well, rather than always pointing out what needs to improve.

Professional highlights

I tried a number of different things at work in 2021: taught in new courses, learned how to run a small group on Zoom, picked up a small (unpaid) administrative role, started as a formal mentor (paid, in theory) to a new partner. It has been exciting (and sometimes scary) to try all these new things; some of them will not be repeated, but the process has forced me to grow professionally.

Financial highlights

2021 was a busy year financially for the household.

We paid off the car!

I finally got Mr. PiN to open a (spousal) Roth IRA. It was fully funded, and just before the end of the year, he invested most of the money in the stock market.

I also opened another Roth IRA for myself. I have engaged in buying new stocks, one an IPO, one purchased within a month of the company going public. (For those keeping track, I am ahead on one purchase and behind on the other.)

Late in the year, I finally opened a donor advised fund, and even used it to send money to charity.

Family and Travel

This was a busier year than 2020.

I took my first trip out of state since the pandemic started, with a summer vacation to Maine. It was my first time vacationing there, and Mr. PiN’s first visit at all to the state. We enjoyed our time there very much, and I am trying to figure out how we can return in 2022.

On that trip, I finally saw my parents in person for the first time in 15 months. Mr. PiN and I stayed with them for a few days this summer, and followed up with 2 more short trips to see them this fall, before travel got more difficult.

And, oh yes, 2021 was the year of COVID vaccination. Strictly speaking, I started my vaccination in 2020, but 2021 was the year that all of my family (except for my youngest nephew, who is still 4) was fully vaccinated. Most of the adults also got boosters.

We had some less pleasant experiences this year as well, with the death of a brother in law, and later of Mr. PiN’s mom. No need to repeat that sort of year in 2022.

Blog highlights

Readership grew tremendously in 2021, though the floor was very low to start with.

Six posts were featured on other blogs–I need to thank all the bloggers who chose to feature my writing. This is probably the main reason new people came here to read. Thank you again to: Physician On Fire, Xrayvsn, Financial Success MD, Personal Finance Blogs, and All Star Money.

A blog lowlight was being discovered by spambots. I am learning how to filter them out, so I don’t have to deal with so many inappropriate comments.

Nevertheless, I continued to have a wonderful time browsing museum websites looking for art to feature on the blog. Here are a few of my favorites:

Personal highlights

I continued to work on activities that keep me happy: walking, socializing with friends (still mostly by Zoom), reading for pleasure.

The biggest change this year was picking up tennis after several decades away from the game. Mr. PiN inspired me to start, and got me out to the tennis courts at least once a week for most of the spring and summer. He even got me watching it on TV!

When we weren’t watching sports, we made our way through 6 seasons of A Place to Call Home (highly recommended) in the winter and early spring, season 1 of Outlander in later spring, and then The Night Manager (also recommended) over the summer. Rewatching favorites like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (the BBS miniseries) and Pride and Prejudice (A&E production) filled in some time. We have started Bridgerton, whose main virtue, so far, is that it isn’t too stressful to watch while hospital work keeps me busy.

This fall I ordered a bunch of new books by favorite authors (book space be damned!), and really perked up my mood with reading. I will need to remember this trick.

I also made it another year without any missed days on Duolingo; my streak is getting into impressive numbers.

Looking forward

In theory, 2022 should carry a lighter work load going forward. I say in theory, because I don’t think anyone has told my patients I am going to be working less. And based on the number of calls related to COVID, I don’t think they will stop calling anytime soon.

Still, I am hoping for more time outside of work, with vague plans for more exercise, more reading, more writing, and maybe actually seeing family more often. I am pondering an ambitious decluttering project in the home. Pictures from our Maine trip are now rotating on my computer screen, reminding me to start planning our return trip in the coming months.

How about you? Did you have a good 2021? Do you still have unfinished goals? Are you ready for 2022?