Fitness Log #175 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over 3 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. I was super excited for teaching on the inpatient service.
  2. I wore earrings to the hospital for the first time since the pandemic started (I know they probably don’t bring germs home, but I still haven’t been wearing anything extraneous).

Fitness Log

For the first few months of 2022, the goal is to do my PT exercises 3 times a week, and get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

Japanese print of a cabin with women on the porch with snow covered scenery
It wasn’t quite so snowy where I live, but I wasn’t feeling encouraged to go out for my walks.
  • Saturday:  I almost missed doing my PT, but was encouraged to get my session done before bed time.
  • Sunday:  PT done again today. No other exercise, though.
  • Monday: On-call today. No exercise.
  • Tuesday: A long day, no exercise.
  • Wednesday: A full day, but Mr. PiN and decided to walk around the block after coming home. This was probably 5 minutes, but it was good to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. It was also dark and cool, so it was also nice to go indoors.
  • Thursday: I finished work early today: done by 7:30 (PM). I toyed with the idea of exercising, but then didn’t.
  • Friday: I did walk around the hospital today. I had to go to the furthest ward to find a patient, twice. We will call that 20 minutes of walking. Plus I finally did my PT after dinner.

Total: 25 minutes walking, and about 12 minutes of PT, for a sad, sad total of 37 minutes. At least it wasn’t zero. And I did my PT.