Fitness Log #177 And Friday Firsts

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for over 3 years, and plan to continue doing so.

I started the Friday Firsts sections as a way of keeping track of some of my “firsts” as I dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Things seem to be settling down, but I will keep it for now–more as a way to be aware and thankful of what is happening in my life.

Friday Firsts

This week’s firsts:

  1. I realized I saw in 1 day–two women in their 70s, who came to me because I had taken care of their mothers. What are the odds?

Fitness Log

For the first few months of 2022, the goal is to do my PT exercises 3 times a week, and get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

Masked and veiled Venetians from the 1700s get into a gondola, with many people looking on.
In honor of the recently ended Carnival season.
  • Saturday:  I was exhausted and lazy today. By evening, I perked up enough to do my PT exercises.
  • Sunday:  I did take a walk and enjoyed some fresh air. My usually-20 minute walk took 22 minutes, though.
  • Monday: I returned to my video training sessions today, it felt good (though I was sore). 30 minutes.
  • Tuesday: No exercise today. Though I had to do a lot of walking up and down long halls this afternoon because I was having technology problems.
  • Wednesday: Afternoon walk of 31 minutes (basically at my usual pace). PT after dinner.
  • Thursday: Nothing after work today.
  • Friday: I was considering taking a walk after work, but I couldn’t clear enough of my inbox before sundown (the sidewalks aren’t in good enough shape to walk in the dark). PT before dinner instead.

Total: 53 minutes walking, 30 minutes of strength training, 3 PT sessions, for a total of 95 minutes. I am still not meeting my exercise goals, but at least I am doing my PT.