Fitness Log #234, Friday Firsts And Fabulousness, And My Monthly Goals Check-In

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

My Future Me posts have been postponed well past 3-4 months a few times in the recent past, enough that I forgot about some of my goals that I was (supposedly) working on. We will see if a monthly check-in might help me stay focused.

Friday First

  1. Hospital policy apparently changed, and for the first time since the pandemic started, I am taking care of COVID positive patients in the hospital. Oh boy.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do in this hospital week?

  • Saturday:  I walked to a different pick up point for various reasons. I will still call this a 20 minute walk.
  • Sunday:  A walk part-way home from work, 20 minutes.
  • Monday: No walking or other exercise today.
  • Tuesday: A walk part-way home, 20 minutes.
  • Wednesday: Another walk part-way home, 20 minutes. If I walk home tomorrow or Friday, I’ll meet my 90 minute goal with room to spare!
  • Thursday: I walked part way home, 20 minutes.
  • Friday: I walked to the pick up point again, 20 minutes.

Total: 120 minutes walking, all as part of my evening commute. I met my hospital week exercise goal handily.

Some Fabulous News

Or maybe it’s a first.

Anyway, for the first time in many years, I made a lunch date with a colleague. And we sat in an office and talked (about medicine, mostly), without having to rush off to clinic or getting paged.

Still life of flowers and fruit
I find this still life fabulous as well. Especially the peonies, though I love the bird’s nest as well.

Monthly Round Up

  • Exercise goals (150 minutes per week; but only 90 minutes when working on the hospital wards): I met my goals 3 of 4 weeks, and missed the 1 week because I was sick.
  • PT goals (do at least 3 days a week): I didn’t do my PT exercises at all. I felt super-guilty, though (does that count for something?). Part of the problem is that my hip doesn’t feel bad, so my motivation dropped. This is why I send people to physical therapy.
  • Clutter goals (declutter my office bookshelves, make room for a piano in the living room): I actually cleared my shelves of all the clutter (picture frames, boxes, pretty things) that were blocking my view of the book spines. I have a lot of items to sort through. As a bonus, once I could actually see the books on my shelves, I very easily found 25+ books that are ready to leave the house (a goal from last fall).
  • Local Adventures: Zilch.
  • MSKAP (2 study sessions per month with my friend, or read through one topic on my own): None this month either, though I didn’t think I would do much while working in the hospital.
  • Social activity (one in-person activity per month). Went home for the holidays and spent time with my brother and his kids. This was more than enough.

I hope you have had a good week as well. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.