Fitness Log #270, Friday Firsts, Fabulousness, And Monthly Goals

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 5 years, and plan to continue doing so.

Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping track of “firsts,” and more lately, I have been trying to note good things (“fabulousness”). It’s a good way to pay attention and not let life slide by.

Friday Firsts

We found episodes of The Great Courses for free on our cable program, and started watching. Very interesting.


I continued my 5 day weekend, and started to finally feel rested by the time I had to go back to work.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

A naked woman reclining on a bed, with a maid servant at her head. An eagle (Zeus) has her bed sheet in its claws, uncovering her.
How I felt most of this week. Only I wore more clothes, because–December in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Saturday:  Rested, no exercise.
  • Sunday:  Took at 20 minute walk before New Year’s Eve.
  • Monday: Nothing.
  • Tuesday: Back to work, no exercise.
  • Wednesday: Did attend my tennis lesson, which was 60 minutes long (I will still count it all, even though my teacher took pity on me and had me practice serving for the last 10 minutes).
  • Thursday: Nope, no exercise.
  • Friday: The weather turned cold, and I was even less motivated to exercise.

Total: 20 minutes of walking and 60 minutes of tennis. I totally did not meet my goal, even though I did (twice) do a few exercises for my feet.

Monthly Round Up

  • Exercise goals (150 minutes per week; but only 90 minutes when working on the hospital wards): I will give myself 2 winning weeks out of 4.
  • PT goals (do at least 3 days a week): I am still not doing my hip PT exercises, but started just this week to try more seriously to take care of my bad foot, since it is keeping me from walking.
  • Clutter goals: I still haven’t cleared away the box that is supposed to go to Goodwill. However, during my long weekend, I cleared away many journals and magazines that were lying around the living room.
  • Local Adventures. There weren’t many, as I spent most of my time either working in the hospital or recovering from it. I did somewhat enjoy viewing the holiday lights and parties in public spaces as I was working home from work before Christmas.
  • CME. Either MSKAP (2 study sessions per month with my friend, or read through one topic on my own), or get through 4 lecture videos. Nothing at all while working in the hospital.
  • Social activity (one in-person activity per month). A friend did come over for a short time Christmas Eve. And my step-son came for his usual New Year’s Eve stay.

I hope you have had a good week as well. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.