Wednesday Wool-gathering

I have some scattered thoughts, none really worthy of a full post.

Hosting guests is awesome

It was so much fun having our overnight guest.

We got a lot of cleaning done in preparation. My husband even found some books he is willing to give away!

Our guest was the daughter of a college roommate, who was in town for an interview. I can’t believe how old that makes me feel, though most days I don’t feel old at all. We had fun going through my old photo albums, and I told her stories about the summer her parents started dating.

I wrote a while ago about not being a pig. Our guest’s parents have hosted me a number of times over the years, it was an absolute pleasure to have the chance to pay them back a little.

That’s not even counting the fact that our guest was a lovely young woman with intelligent things to say.

Decluttering Challenges

I haven’t yet totaled up the books being cleared, I am eyeing a few more on one of my shelves.

This weekend I took 2 suitable books on a walk and deposited them in the Little Free Libraries I passed on the way. I was so proud.

Until I walked into our local library and saw 2 (large, hardcover) books that I knew my husband would love.

At least I had gotten rid of the 2 books earlier.

I really do love planning trips and spending money

I wasn’t feeling so great in the last few weeks, having decided we aren’t taking a big trip this year.

This week I finally used some of my CME (continuing medical education) money to register for a meeting. I must confess, I might have felt a rush as I spent a good amount of money.

I will probably have to pay for the hotel out of pocket, so I am starting to research which one(s) would be best for this meeting.

My mood is much better now. I don’t know if it’s planning the trip or improved weather, but I will take it.

How has your week been going?